Downloading your Invoices

How to download your Invoices please follow the below prompts

All Applications which are complete will move to the status 'to invoice' These Applications will remain under the status 'To Invoice' until the last working day of the month. These applications will then be invoiced and moved to the status 'Invoiced'. At this stage an automated email will be emailed to the accounts Department. The invoice is now ready for download. If you received the automated email you may click on the link or follow the below prompts.


Please login with your credentials

If you do not have your login details please email for the information

Select My Applications

Please select POD/Invoice


Select TO INVOICE to display all matters which are complete but awaiting invoicing. You may disburse fees to your client files prior to invoicing. These matters will only be invoiced on the last working day of the month. You may request Applications to be invoiced sooner.

Select INVOICED to display all matters which are complete and invoiced. Invoice is available for download.

If you selected Invoiced please choose your date range for the Invoice that you are looking to download. System is set to default to current month. If there is nothing yet invoiced for this month there will be nothing to reflect - please change date range then select go for search results

Select PDF to Download your Invoice

'Applications function' will provide you with a summary of all Applications included in that particular invoice and reflect all proof of delivery and message correspondence for each Application

You may also choose your date range and select EXCEL function to download a date range of Applications in an Excel format

Statements will be emailed on the 2nd working day of the following month. For any enquires please email